
Using cars costs, so savings is essential. Shayan’s products provide a better performance, more extended durability and load capacity, lower operating costs and increase efficiency on main or rough roads.


Ergonomic design with security makes the comfort and efficiency while car driving. The standards and requirements of 11889 used in Shayan’s products increase the convenience for the driver and cause him to have more control over tensions, even on uneven terrain.

Align with customer trade

The unique design of Shayan’s products reduces the room’s weight and increases the loading ceiling, thus reducing transportation costs.
This feature allowed the driver to move faster on the road while ensuring performance. The driver must carry and reach his destination in less time in any environmental conditions, especially in sloping environments.

After-sales service

One of the Shayan Company’s goals is launching sale’s networks in different provinces. The company strives to meet the needs of other areas in all service sectors.